Bendabout Bits

Saturday, November 18, 2006

What Beautiful Blue Eyes you have!

What a year we have had! I wanted to create this Blog so that we will always be able to see that the Lord was with us through our trials, even when we didn't realize it. I will "slowly" place some of those trials here. Many I have forgotten already. I want to list them all before I forget, because I know that the Lord put those hurdles in our life to make us stronger and we should remember them and learn from them so that we may grow in the Lord and our faith will become stronger.


Rachael said...

AWWW! HE's GORGEOUS!!!!!!! I love you little guy!

Aunt Rachael

Betsy said...

He is so cute- maybe Sam and I can make our way to Claremore and I can snap some pics of those baby blues. I am really enjoying taking pics of Sam and blogging- it really helps everyone stay up to date on how the little ones are growing and changing!

Susan said...

Looking under the door for Mike is so funny! He is so precious! Thank you for sharing.